
Smart Media Insider

Read up on the latest insights from the world of media buying, planning and research.

Newspapers: Not Just for Boomers

Does printed newspaper media skew to A50+? Yes, but not as much as you may think — at least not compared to other news...


Breaking Down OTT, CTV, Addressable and Every Other TV Buzz-Word You Are Hearing

How are these terms related? How are they different? What’s true and what’s pure myth?


Privacy in 2020: How It Will Affect Digital Media Strategies

Are you using digital media in 2020? If so then you need to understand the CCPA. Read this post to understand privacy...


How to Maximize Your Marketing Efforts During the Holiday Season

Everyone knows that consumers in the United States spend an enormous amount of money during the holidays. Despite all...


10 Reasons Why Magazine Advertising is Still Relevant

Magazine advertising is just as powerful as it ever was; in some ways, the shrinkage of available titles may make it...


Advertising in 2020: The Political Impact

Uneasy about how political advertising will impact your 2020 media plans? Preemptions? Unachieved reach & frequency...